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Coding Scheme

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

Coding Scheme


In order to decode the entire survey, we created two separate coding schemes. The first scheme (C1) focuses on various general influences print advertisements have on young adults, while the second set (C2) focuses particularly on the perceptual differences with each gender. The remaining statistical questions were not coded, but were recorded and noted.



C1 1) When viewing print ads, which term best describes how the images make you feel about your looks?

(a) Confident {1pt} (b) Pretty good {2 pts} (c) Neutral {3 pts} (d) Self-conscious {4 pts} (e) Unattractive {5 pts}


C1 2) Which term best describes how you feel about the opposite sex in print ads?

(a) Overwhelmed {5 pts}(b) Aroused {4 pts} (c) Neutral {3 pts} (d) Not interested {2 pts} (e) Turned-off {1 pt}


C1 3) Which term best describes your feelings when you see the opposite sex provocatively dressed in print ads?

(a) Turned-off {1 pt} (b) Not interested {2 pts} (c) Neutral {3 pts} (d) Interested {4 pts} (e) Excited {5 pts}


C2 4) In print ads, what is the common theme that you notice?

(a) Females being overly-feminine {5 pts} (b) Males being overly-masculine {1 pt} (c) Both {3 pts} (d) Neither {3 pts} (e) Unsure {n/a}


C1 5) How much of an affect do you believe print ads have on the way you view gender roles?

(a) A lot {5 pts} (b) Somewhat {4 pts} (c) Unsure {3 pts} (d) Very little {2 pts} (e) None at all {1 pt}


Not Encoded 6) Where are you most likely to encounter a print ad?

(a) Magazine (b) Newspaper (c) Billboard (d) Poster (e) Flyers


C1 7) In general, print ads...

(a) Anger me {1 pt} (b) Annoy me {2 pts} (c) Does not affect me positively or negatively {3 pts} (d) Entertain me {4 pts} (e) Influence me {5 pts}


C2 8) In print ads, females are generally selling products aimed toward which gender?

(a) Females {5 pts} (b) Males {1 pt} (c)Both {3 pts} (d) Neither {3 pts} (e) Unsure {n/a}


C2 9) In print ads, males are generally selling products aimed toward which gender?

(a) Females {5 pts} (b) Males {1 pt} (c) Both {3 pts} (d) Neither {3 pts} (e) Unsure {n/a}


Not Encoded 10) Which group best describes your age range?

(a)18-20 (b) 21-23 (c) 24-25 (d) 26+


Not Encoded 11) What is your gender?

(a) Male (b) Female


Not Encoded 12) Which response best describes your ethnicity?

(a) Caucasian (b) African-American (c) Hispanic (d) Other






We assigned each response question points based on a scale from one to five in ascending order from hard to influence to easily influenced with the middle representing neutrality. In the spirit of having an aesthetically balanced survey, we alternated the order of the weight of the responses so that our participants would not notice the pattern and answer hurriedly and inaccurately. We summed the highest (30) and lowest (6) possible point score for this particular set of questions giving us our range. We then divided the spread by six giving us five categories, corresponding in gravity to each of the questions on the likert scale.


The C1 responses were then added up based on their numerical assignment and the sum is noted and logged. Based on this total, we will log this respondent in one of five groups. The categories are:


1) Unconvincing (6-10 points)


2) Hard to Influence (11-15 points)


3) Neutral (16-20 points)


4) Susceptible (21-25 points)


5) Highly Impressionable (26-30 points)





For this scale, we coded the responses focusing on gender and the differences in perception between the two genders. If the response had a male slant to it, it would be assigned a 1 point value. Responses with a female slant were assigned a 5 point value. Those who chose either both or neither were assigned three points. Unsure responses were simply thrown out. The range for these set of questions is from 3 to 15. After summing the points, the surveyor would fall into one of these three groups.


Male focus (respondent finds, in general, a male skew in print ads)

(3-7 points)


Neutral (respondent finds no specific gender slant in print ads)

(8-10 points)


Female focus (respondent finds, in general, a female skew in print ads)

(11-15 points)




All survey questions will be totaled and ranked according to this scheme. Questions will be grouped and cross referenced in order to uncover trends within the answers by different groups of respondents. The pattern found within the responses is essential in answering our hypotheses as well as our overall research question

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