
Content Analysis

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Content Analysis

The purpose of the content analysis is to compare the findings from the survey we created with findings from the main advertising venue as per the results of the survey. The main advertising venue that most people said that they viewed advertisements from was magazines.



The criteria we were looking for:

-Clothing (how much)

-Hair color

-Facial expressions



-Contact (if there is more than one person in the ad, how close are they?)

-Facial hair (men)

-Posing (seductive, innocent, etc.)


US Weekly Content Analysis-Valene

Cosmopolitan Content Analysis-Maggie

Intouch Content Analysis-Amanda

Vibe Content Analysis-Candice

Instyle Content Analysis-Erin


When selling food or drink Women in these type of advertisements seem to be mostly blonde, Caucasian, dressed suggestively, but posed to be smiling or having a good time. If in an ad with men, the women didn’t seem to be in close contact with the men. The men in these advertisements are either African American or Caucasian and have dark hair. Also, the men are dressed conservatively. Everyone in these ads seem to be in their twenties.

Based on these ads:

1. Single Ad- This was a Diet Pepsi advertisement. African American female in the category of 21-23. She had brunette hair. She was smiling and fully clothed along with others in the background.

2. Group Ad- This was a beer advertisement. Caucasian females with brunette hair. They were in the category of 25.They were also smiling. They were very attractive and skinny. They were surrounded with guys that also had brunette hair. The women were holding the beer while the men ate.

3. Group Ad- The advertisement was for Absolut Vodka. Four people total (2 couples). All Caucasian, all women had blonde hair and all men had brunette hair. The women were provocatively dressed in short skirts and halter tops or low cut shirts. The men were wearing jeans and polo shirts. The couples were sitting outside a restaurant drinking cocktails with their heads back laughing.

4. Group Ad- The advertisement was for . A blonde, Caucasian, female, dressed suggestively with shopping bags all around her was using her cell phone to call a ride. An African American male was sitting on a bench eating.

5. Group Ad- The advertisement was for Jose Cuervo. A group of blonde, Caucasian, females in their early 20’s. They were all dressed suggestively (tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, bathing suit tops, little shorts and little skirts), posing in a seductive manner.



When selling beauty products or clothing it seems that women are posed very seductively whether group ad or single. It also seems that in most cases they are provocatively dressed and seem to range from their early twenties to early thirties. Most of the women in these advertisements are Caucasian and Blonde. Again Males in these ads seem to be tastefully covered and either African American or Caucasian.

Based on these ads:

1. Group Ad-This ad is for a famous clothing company and consisted of seven females (2 Black, 5 White) and two males (both white). The women in the ad have on heavy, bright make-up and have an array of hair colors (blonde, brunette, strawberry-blonde). The clothing is semi-provocative on the females. The men have on clothing with terms such as "sexy" embedded on the shirts. The posing is fairly simple but the facial expressions are very suggestive, i.e., lips slighted parted with piercing eyes. One of the models does have her leg propped up on a metal bar with a very short dressing on. Her legs were wide open so little is left to the imagination.

2. Group Ad-This ad is for a famous clothing company and consisted of three males and one female, all appearing to be in their early to mid-20's. Everyone in the ad is tastefully covered; the males with ties and suspenders and the girls with a hooded jacket. Two of the models have blonde hair and the other three (including the girl) have dark hair. All of the models appear to be sitting down in a vehicle that is barely noticeable. Nothing out of the ordinary was observed in this ad.

3. Single Ad- Introducing Covergirl Makeup Caucasian female with blonde hair in Her early 20’s. She looks very seductive with red lipstick on her lips puckered up and eyes closed.

4. Group Ad- The advertisement was promoting Chic Razors. Three blonde, Caucasian women are all wearing green leaves over their suggestive body parts. All seem to be in their early 20’s. Two of the women lay next to each other while the third woman shaved her legs.

5. Single Ad- Neutrogena face wash advertisement. Caucasian, blonde, female in her late 20's. She smiles with an innocent look on her face.



When it’s comes to advertisements aimed mostly toward men's products, men are either dressed very provocatively or are dressed very casually. Also, in most of men advertisements the men aare consistently either Caucasian or African American. Consistently all men had dark hair. Also in some of the advertisements, men are portrayed as dumb or clueless as compared to women in the ads. It doesn’t matter whether it is a group ad or single ad, their body language doesn’t seem to communicating sex as much as women’s are.

Based on these ads:

1. Single Ad-This ad is for cologne and consisted of a Caucasian male lying down with waves of water washing up over his "rippled" chest. The model appears to be naked and is barely covered by the water washing over his body. He is also very clean shaven and appears to have dark hair.

2. Group Ad- This advertisement was for a clothing company. This ad consisted of two men (one African American, one Caucasian) running on the beach with no shirts on. It appears as though the men are playing tag football with the logo of the clothing company they are modeling marked on the football. Both males have dark hair, "rippled" chest, and their body language is not communicating anything that would suggest sex.

3. Single Ad- This was an advertisement for Papa Johns Pizza. An African American male in his early 20’s was sitting at a dinner table by himself wearing casual clothes and smiling while

4. Group Ad- This was an advertisement for Tommy Hilfiger. The man in the ad is a Caucasian male with brunette hair and also facial hair. He is reading a book upside down and has a very confused look on his face. The woman in this ad is Caucasian with brunette hair. Her book is right side up and she is smiling as if she thinks the book is very interesting. Also in the ad the hands that they use to hold the book are both their left hands and have rings on them insinuating that they are married.

5. Single Ad- This was an advertisement for Master Card. This ad features an African American male with black hair wearing a polka dot apron over jeans and a long sleeve shirt. He has a very happy expression and in the ad he appears to be baking. The headline makes it seem like seeing a guy in an apron is priceless.

he eats.


Overall, men and women's advertisements seem to display different messages to the younger audience who's gender roles are influenced at least "somewhat" (as answered by our survey) by the advertisements. Women are shown as young, provocatively dressed, Caucasian, blonde, and seductive or smiling. Men are shown as young, conservatively dressed, either African American and Caucasian, dark haired, and serious or having a good time. Based on these findings and the results from the survey, it is no wonder why most people answered as being "interested" when describing their feelings when seeing the opposite sex provocatively dressed as it seems that most of the time the models in the advertisements are. Also why most people notice that females are being protrayed as overly feminine and males being portrayed overly masculine in print ads.

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