

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago


  • Obstacles encountered writing the survey:


  1. We found it challenging to come up with questions and answers that were not "leading" in sort of way. Also, to come up with such a small amount of questions to ask that answered our hypotheses.




  • Obstacles that were faced when distributing surveys



  1. Some of the people refused to fill the survey out completely.
  2. We had some males who were embarrassed by the questions and failed to fill out the survey with complete honesty for fear of confidentiality being broken, since there was no disclosure on the survey. This obstacle goes for females as well, but it was more prevalent among males.
  3. We gathered much more information from females than males which may have created a deviation in our research. We also had alot more African Americans than any other race, having a more balanced representation of races and thier opinions may prove to provide more stable results.
  4. Many participants found difficulties in understand certain survey questions.



  • Obstacles encountered while creating the coding scheme:


  1. We found it challenging assigning certain questions into different coding schemes, as a few questions would have fit well in either of the categories. As we decided to keep the two schemes independent of one another with no overlapping questions in order to keep the results pure, this presented itself as a hurdle to overcome.
  2. Similar to what was stated above, it was difficult trying to decode some of the answer choices on the survey. For example, when trying to decode 'neutral' we had a hard time coming up with a coding scheme for that particular answer.


To prevent this from happening in future studies, I think it would help if the groups putting the survey together as well as the people decoding work together to come up with clear cut answers so there is no confusion while decoding.


One possible way to avoid this problem in the future is to focus on writing the questions in an extremely clear and precise manner, narrowing down on one topic. This will avoid ambiguity and minimize duplicity in the coding scheme.


Another solution is to change the parameters of the coding standard and allow certain questions to be represented numerous times among several coding schemes. Choosing to use this approach and justifying our method should make this an acceptable alternative.

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