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on April 27, 2006 at 4:55:50 pm

-- Coding Scheme


Hi guys! Amanda and I are DONE AGAIN coding the surveys for the 5th time! However, we can not create a results page based on the hypothesis...because the wording is conflicting with the words on the survey....for example...

with H1 and Question 1: there are 2 answer choices that reflect being more influenced by print ads. Would you like for us to add the number of responses from A and B??? Or would YOU like to be specific with the amount of influence based SOLELY on the wording of the survey!! Great! Can we PLEASE decide BEFORE the weekend COMES!!! THANKS!!





The influence of print ads and how young adults assess them


Print ads have developed a striking impact on the younger generation over the years. There was a point in time when all an advertising company had to do was come up with a catchy theme that young adults could relate to and cater their product to that consumer. Nothing much has changed since that era first began. Now companies are starting to see a correlation between the way they market to the younger audiences and the impact it has on the younger consumers. For example, the ad pictured above courtesy of Apple Bottoms, a designer denim line, features its founder shown with a model, posed in a sexually provocative manner. The ad could easily be perceived differently by young adults, in terms of the body language of the model or the clothing that she is wearing. Could it be that print ads have an impact on the way young adults assess gender roles? To assist in answering this research question, this group has decided to devlop a qualitative study. The hypotheses of study are as follows:



H1: Most of the female participants will agree that they are more influenced by print ads.


H2: The younger age range (18-20) will be more influenced by print ads than the older age range (25+) of participants.


H3: Participants will encounter more print ads in magazines than any other avenue of marketing mentioned in the survey.


H4: Female participants will be influenced negatiely, (i.e. less attractive attitude, low self-esteem) by print ads over male participants.


H5: Male participants will not be able to distinguish gender roles in print ads.


With regards to previous research on print ads and gender roles, correlations had been established between the two. For this qualitative study, a sample mean of 120 Georgia State University students were surveyed, using a 5-point Likert scale that was developed by the group. The survey created provided a concrete definition of the term gender roles and was used to measure the participant's ideas towards gender roles, personal self-image, their attitude towards the images that they see in print ads, and where they are most likely to encounter a print ad. The survey also inquired about demographics of the participants, such as their age, gender, and race.
















Survey Questions




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