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last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago
I. LiteratureReview
- The entire group is assigned to complete one literature review. The purpose of this action will be to conduct research on a previous study, as it is related to our current topic. Upon reading the past study, an abstract will be posted of that reading.
II. Content Analysis
- Each member of the group will be responsible for viewing various magazines. Upon doing so, a set comparison analysis will be determine to serve as a comparison level of other noticeable trends in print ads, mostly seen in magazines.
III. SurVey
- Erin and Candice will be responsible for generating enough questions that will objectively ask participants their thoughts and ideas of gender roles and how they are viewed in print ads. These questions will help the group in determining the answer to the research question and discovering the validity of the hypotheses.
IV. Coding Scheme
- Maggie and Marcel will be responsible for coming up with the coding scheme to answer our hypothesis as well as our overall research question
V. ResUlts
- Valene and Amanda will be responsible for equally distributing the surveys among Georgia State University students. They were responsible for developing coding strategies to prove or disprove the hypotheses. The surveys were individually coded based on the responses and were used to measure the print ads' influence of how young adults assess gender roles. They generated graphs to correspond to the data analysis and the hypotheses. They wrote a conclusion to correspond with the data that they collected.
VI. DisCussion
- The entire group will be responsible for discussing the results further and noting some of the limitations of this study. Also, we will be discussing some of the difficulties we encountered on the way.
VII. ConcluSion
- This portion of the project will formally discuss which hypotheses were proven, along with discussion of grounds for more research.
VIII. ReferEnces
- Noted in APA style, this section will serve as a reference point to the six previous studies conducted on the group's current research topic of print ads and gender roles.
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